welcome to the

Society of American Archivists at University of Missouri student chapter

Established in Dec 2016, SAAMUSC builds a learning community and provides professional development and networking opportunities for students interested in the archival profession!

As a Student Chapter of the Society of American Archivists (SAA) we serve to introduce new archivists into the profession, promote communication among student members nationwide, and ultimately develop leaders of tomorrow’s archives profession.



Our Activities

We organize activities and events related to archives on Mizzou’s campus and in Missouri. Our officers coordinate event planning in collaboration with SISLT student organizations LISGSA, the ASIS&T Student Chapter, and the Learning Technologies GSA, among others at MU (OrgSync links were through spring 2020). Below are some descriptive summaries! More details are in our Annual Reports below.

Fall 2023:

  • November 20, 2023:
    • SAAMUSC hosted Sheena Wilson, lead archivist at the Gregory School African American Archive, for our ninth Speakeasy of 2023. Check out Sheena’s blog post at the National Archives’ Black History Guide.
  • November 13, 2023:
  • September 18, 2023:
    • SAAMUSC hosted Caitlin Christian-Lamb for an interactive Speakeasy about archival education and research.
  • September 7, 2023:
  • August 21, 2023:
    • Post-ARCHIVES*RECORDS 2023, we welcomed Emma Prince, founder and principal at Backlog Archives, for a Speakeasy about networking across the archival profession.

Spring 2023:

  • July 24, 2023:
    • We organized an ArchivesSpace webinar-watch for our summer Speakeasy.
  • June 12, 2023:
    • Dr. Alexandria Gough, Archivist at the Choctaw Cultural Center, joined us for a Speakeasy about Native American archives, intangible cultural heritage, and the upcoming SAA and ATALM conferences.
  • May 15, 2023:
    • We hosted a Speakeasy on “Demystifying Job Seeking” with Lindy Smith, Head of LaBudde Special Collections at UMKC.
  • April 27, 2023:
  • April 14, 2023:
    • SAAMUSC welcomed Kelsi Evans, Director of the Dr. John P. De Cecco Archives and Special Collections of the GLBT Historical Society, in San Francisco for a Speakeasy about collecting practices.
  • April 14, 2023:
    • MLIS student and PBPF Fellow Kaitlin Howard co-presented a poster with cohort members at the 2023 Midwest Archives Conference (MAC) in Chicago, IL.
  • March 27, 2023:
    • SAAMUSC and MAC4EAP hosted a Speakeasy with ALA President-Elect Emily Drabinski.
  • January 19, 2023:

Fall 2022:

  • December 15, 2022:
    • For our ninth Speakeasy of 2022, #MizzouMade Digital Archivist at the Albuquerque Museum Photo Archive Jill Hartke shared highlights from her work. Check out the “Picture This” visual podcast and the eMuseum!
  • December 9, 2022:
    • MLIS student and PBPF Fellow Kaitlin Howard co-presented a poster with cohort members at the 2022 Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) Conference in Pittsburgh, PA.
  • November 17, 2022:
    • We welcomed #MizzouMade Jeff Corrigan, Science Librarian and Outreach Coordinator at California State University Monterey Bay, for a Speakeasy about library and archive careers.
  • October 20, 2022:
    • SAAMUSC welcomed Tara Laver, Senior Archivist at the Nelson-Atkins Museum Archives, for a Speakeasy about her archival activities. Check out the “Frame of Mind” podcast!
  • October 14-15, 2022:
    • SAAMUSC member Charissa Ercolin attended the Missouri Association for Museums & Archives (MAMA) 2022 conference in St. Charles.
  • September 22, 2022:
    • Archivist Ailina Fisk and Digital Archivist Aristide LaVey of the New York City Ballet joined us for a Speakeasy about their stunning collection.
  • September 15, 2022:
    • Student archivists Mariah Newton and Kaitlin Howard tabled with Dr. Buchanan at The Bridge Open House and Mizzou CEHD Involvement Fair, talking with new students about Digitization Station activities with KOPN Community Radio and the recent ARCHIVES * RECORDS 2022 86th Annual Meeting of SAA!
  • August 25-26, 2022:
    • SAAMUSC’s own Hallel Yadin and Jane Bartley presented Graduate Student Posters at ARCHIVES * RECORDS 2022.
  • August 21, 2022:
    • Happy Student Organization Day from MU ORG!

Spring 2022:

  • August 18, 2022:
    • We welcomed Jessica Salow, Assistant Archivist of Black Collections at Arizona State University (ASU), for a Speakeasy about their award-winning Community-Driven Archives (CDA) Initiative.
  • July 21, 2022:
    • We welcomed #MizzouMade Patrick Hoffman and Wendy Norris of the Theatre on Film and Tape Archive (TOFT) at the New York Public Library for a standout summer Speakeasy showcasing their 50th anniversary exhibition “Focus Center Stage.”
  • June 16, 2022:
    • SAAMUSC hosted a Speakeasy with MLIS student Elizabeth Bloodworth who discussed digitization projects and community partnerships at Bradley University.
  • May 26, 2022:
    • We returned to the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library & Museum in nearby Independence, MO for a Zoom Speakeasy with Archivist Sam Rushay.
  • April 21, 2022:
    • SAAMUSC hosted a Speakeasy with Lucasfilm Archivist Elinor De La Torre.
  • January 28, 2022:
    • Dr. Megan Murph, Director, led Dr. Buchanan on an informal tour of campus’s new Budds Center for American Music Studies. Welcome!

Fall 2021:

  • December 1, 2021:
    • Student archivists Shelby Catalano, Denise Chappell, Alejandra Hutchison, Nila McGinnis, Erin Price, Antanella Tirone, and Dr. Buchanan presented the year’s ninth Speakeasy on “Data Archiving in the Venus Pompeiana Project.”
  • November 17, 2021:
    • Space and time brought us together for a Speakeasy with NASA intern and SAAMUSC’s own Katherine Herrick, who made appraisal more transparent for archival collections taking up precious space.
  • October 28, 2021:
    • SAAMUSC hosted a Speakeasy with Lynden Steele, Director of Pictures of the Year International (POYi), celebrating 20 years of its photojournalism contest and the 10th anniversary of POY Latam.
  • October 14, 2021:
    • We welcomed Jeffrey Eaton, Archivist at T-Mobile, for a Speakeasy crossing art and business archives.
  • September 28, 2021:
    • Dr. Heather Moulaison-Sandy joined us for a Speakeasy on paleography (skills), the long history of hypertext, and digital manuscript studies.
  • September 9, 2021:
    • SAAMUSC welcomed MacKenzie Mallon, Provenance Specialist at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art and also #MizzouMade, for a Speakeasy glossing her extensive efforts to research and exhibit objects in the collection.

Spring 2021:

  • July 20, 2021:
    • SAAMUSC’s own Emily Lempka presented a research lightning talk in the SAA SNAP Section Meeting at ARCHIVES * RECORDS 2021: Together/Apart.
  • July 16, 2021:
    • SAAMUSC’s own Antanella Tirone, Eric Saxon, Rebecca Benson, and Dr. Buchanan presented on PBPF at AERI 2021.
  • May 27, 2021:
    • SAAMUSC hosted a Speakeasy with Davina Harrison, catalog librarian at the Missouri Botanical Garden and current Vice Chair of MOHub for the DPLA, who discussed the latter’s Library Carpentry Workshop, MODS metadata ingest, and the MOBIUS Consortium.
  • May 13-14, 2021:
  • April 27, 2021:
    • We welcomed Dr. Liz Donato, Research Specialist, and Dr. Arden Decker, Associate Director, of the International Center for the Arts of the Americas (ICAA)’s Documents of Latin American and Latino Art initiative for a Speakeasy.
  • March 18, 2021:
    • SAAMUSC hosted a Speakeasy with Midwest Genealogy Center Manager Cheryl Lang, MLS.

Fall 2020:

  • December 11, 2020:
    • For our sixth Speakeasy of 2020, Felicity Dykas of MU Digital Services - with an assist from our own Antanella Tirone - updated us on active digitization projects and collections.
  • October 23, 2020:
    • The Missouri Association for Museums and Archives (MAMA) virtual conference hosted SAAMUSC Officers Shelby Catalano and Denise Chappell’s presentation on our work this year.
  • October 21, 2020:
  • September 20, 2020:
  • August 27, 2020:
    • SAAMUSC hosted our third Speakeasy with University Archivist Anselm Huelsbergen and Public Services Archivist Gary Cox. 25 students got the inside view on the University Archives of the University of Missouri during the first week of classes.

Spring 2020:

  • July 20, 2020:
    • We hosted a Speakeasy with Katie Dieckhaus on the Digitization Project at Na Ali’i, whose document management services support the DPAA Recently Accounted-For archive. We learned the story of 1st Lt. Justin G. Mills, killed during World War II, and accounted for on Aug. 19, 2019.
  • May 20, 2020:
    • SAAMUSC hosted our first Speakeasy, where participants gathered to converse, share, learn, or at least unmute for a few minutes of friendly reflection on life and today’s big ideas. Also we issued our first monthly newsletter! They’re in our 2020 report below.
  • April 30, 2020:
    • SAAMUSC hosted an online Happy Hour and raffle with LISGSA.
  • March 2020:

Fall 2019:

Spring 2019:

  • May 3, 2019:
    • SAAMUSC hosted a tour of the St. Louis Archdiocese Archives, co-led by our Secretary, Assistant Archivist Sarah Gabriel.
  • April 13, 2019:
  • April 12, 2019:
  • April 6, 2019:
    • At the SISLT Conference, three members shared their work on 3D printing in libraries, digital preservation goals, and Kyrgyz immigrant community perceptions and expectations of public libraries. [program]
  • March 6, 2019:
    • SAAMUSC also toured the Zalk Veterinary Medical Library with Kate Anderson.
  • March 1, 2019:
    • SAAMUSC hosted a tour of the J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, meeting with Deb Ward, Rebecca Graves, and Taira Meadowcroft.

Fall 2018:

  • October 19-20, 2018:
  • October 16, 2018:
    • SAAMUSC hosted the talk “A Theatre Perspective On Archives: The Lanford Wilson Collection” by Derek R. Munson in Ellis Library. [flyer]
  • August 2, 2018:
    • MLIS student and PBPF Fellow Eric Saxon led an Audio Preservation Workshop for the SAAMUSC community. Eric, Fellow Rebecca Benson, and Dr. Buchanan later co-presented a poster at the 2018 SAA Research Forum and spoke at the AMIS / VMS / VMCAS joint meeting about the Fellowship while attending the SAA / CoSA / NAGARA Joint Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. Dr. Buchanan also co-presented with colleagues at Digital Preservation 2018. Finally, cohort members presented a poster at AMIA on November 30 in Portland, OR.

Spring 2018:

  • April 7, 2018:
    • At the SISLT Conference we shared updates on several archival activities with our community, including work with the Boone County History & Culture Center collections in the Hank Waters III Historic Records and Photography Digital Lab, biographical research on founding Dean Grace C. Bibb, and the Public Broadcasting Preservation Fellowship. [event.program]
  • February 19, 2018:
    • We hosted a presentation by University Archivist Anselm Huelsbergen about the Academy of Certified Archivists. [flyer]
  • February 17, 2018:
  • January 2018:
    • The MU College of Education celebrated its 150th Anniversary with a timeline, among other items. It features several individuals from SISLT’s and the LIS Program’s institutional memory whom graduate students in Archival Practice continue to research in depth.

Fall 2017:

  • November 17, 2017:
    • We visited the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library in Independence and heard about audiovisual digitization and education! Also this semester there were fascinating talks given by Dr. Delia C. Gillis and Dr. Kevin Strait on campus, the KCAA Fall Symposium (notes by Tamara Inge), and a Cultural Heritage Workshop by Missouri Humanities Council.
  • October 27-28, 2017:
    • Several SAAMUSC members attended the Missouri Association for Museums & Archives (MAMA) conference in Kirksville. Check out the local news feature!
  • October 11, 2017:
    • SAAMUSC hosted a tour of SHSMO led by Laura Jolley. [flyer]. We also participated in the SISLT student groups Social at Shakespeare’s Pizza Downtown on September 14. [flyer]
  • July 26, 2017:
    • The Archival Educators Section panel meeting at SAA 2017 featured SAAMUSC President Jennifer Walker and Dr. Buchanan discussing the experience of SAA’s newest student chapter.

Spring 2017:

  • April 8, 2017:
    • At the LISGSA Spring Conference, “Engaging Your Community,” SAAMUSC members participated by briefly discussing some of the ways in which archiving connects with communities. Dr. Buchanan discussed a recent service learning course partnered with the Black Archives of Mid-America, and three SAAMUSC members presented a poster about the course participants’ contributions including collections processed. [event.flyer]
  • March 16, 2017:
    • Today the SAAMUSC had its first event as an official organization. We toured the MU Research Reactor (MURR). Tamara Inge, also an SAAMUSC member, coordinated the tour and is an archivist at the MURR. She and our tour guide Mark Beary led us around the facility, provided a technical overview of the reactor, the history of the facility, and defined some nuclear lingo.
    • MURR is currently the most powerful university research nuclear reactor in the nation, producing 10mW of electricity, though power production is not its main aim. In addition to enabling UM research from various disciplines, the MURR also produces a variety of products for nuclear pharmacuetical applications.
    • Documentation is omnipresent along with records retention requirements. Tamara described how she and the two other archivists enable institutional memory, by quickly finding the documentation for past studies. So, in addition to peering into the core of an active nuclear reactor and the control room, we saw some archaeometry lab work in progress, viewed the archives of the MURR, and learned about why so many documents are created in such an institution. This was a great example of the importance of the work of archivists in a scientific research or corporate institution. –Dylan Martin [event flyer]

Fall 2016:

  • December 3, 2016:
    • We had a great first meeting at the LISGSA Fall Networking Event! We shared lunch, talked about career paths in archives, and shared tips for professional success. After a group discussion, we broke out for a focused chat about the Society of American Archivists - what it is, what it does, and what it provides for new professionals. We also discussed local and regional groups: making connections and laying the practical groundwork for forming a student chapter of SAA. [minutes; event flyer, Reflector 201]



  • Amanda May (President), Noah Larson (Vice President), Madison Stein (Secretary), Dahlia Bray (Treasurer), Jordan Johnson + Max Morgan (LISGSA Liaisons), Max Pont (Communication Chair), & Mackenzie Schulte (Program Chair). Prof. Sarah Buchanan is Faculty Advisor.


  • Isaac Alexander (President), Kristen Brown (Vice President), Kayn Curry (Secretary), Joelle Blair (Treasurer), Kelley Klor (LISGSA Liaison), Lindy Baudendistel (Communication Chair), & Marcella Bogart (Program Chair). Prof. Sarah Buchanan is Faculty Advisor.
  • Annual Report, for 2023.


  • Liz Setterberg (President), Katherine Herrick (Vice President), Kevin Dao (Secretary), Jackie Cruikshank Vogt (Treasurer), Kelley Klor (LISGSA Liaison), Susan Ralls + Beth Stewart (Communication Chairs), & Matthew Frye + Susan Rosprim (Program Chairs). Prof. Sarah Buchanan is Faculty Advisor.
  • Annual Report, for 2022.


  • Shelby Catalano (President), Katie Dieckhaus (Vice President), Alejandra Hutchison (Secretary), Jara Anderson (Treasurer), Niki Cox (LISGSA Liaison), Hope Oliver + Sammy Sendejas (Communication Chairs), & Marie Bergman + Jackie Cruikshank Vogt + Emily Lempka (Program Chairs). Prof. Sarah Buchanan is Faculty Advisor.
  • Annual Report, for 2021.


  • Ellen Thieme + Shelby Catalano (President), Katie Dieckhaus (Vice President), Haley Frizzle (Secretary), Shelby Catalano (Treasurer), Wendy Midyett (LISGSA Liaison), Sammy Sendejas (Communication Chair), & Denise Chappell (Program Chair). Prof. Sarah Buchanan is Faculty Advisor.
  • Annual Report, for 2020.


  • David Merz (President), Logan Thompson (Vice President), Sarah Gabriel (Secretary), & Ethan Atwell (Treasurer). Prof. Sarah Buchanan is Faculty Advisor.
  • Annual Report, for 2019.


  • Rebecca Benson (President), Elizabeth Winter (Vice President), Alisa Pappas (Secretary), Melody Edwards (Treasurer), Brian Flanagin (Communication Chair), & Hali Allen + Jennifer Walker (Programming Co-Chairs). Prof. Sarah Buchanan is Faculty Advisor.
  • Annual Report, for 2018.


  • Jennifer Walker (President), Alora Bauer (Vice President), Erin Niederberger (Secretary), Brian Flanagin + Dylan Martin (Treasurer), Katie Wibbenmeyer (LISGSA Liaison), & Dylan Martin (Communication Chair). Prof. Sarah Buchanan is Faculty Advisor.
  • Annual Report, for 2017.
  • Annual Report, for May 31, 2017.

Email us! Below is our Constitution

Spring 2017 saw us taking sequential steps to establish our new student chapter on campus and in the LIS Program. To facilitate communication we maintain a:

We also drafted and then voted on bylaws, approved on 2/18/17 by the membership:

In sum, we attended an info session on 1/24 and 4/17, applied for recognition by the MU ORG Office on 2/20 (approved! on 3/23), voted on officers from Mar 6-9, seated our elected, inaugural officers on Mon Mar 13, and submitted our materials to SAA Council for consideration at their May 16-17, 2017 meeting (chartered! on 5/16).

Thank you for your interest and support!


Get Involved

We welcome you to join us in SAAMUSC! As stated in our Constitution, membership is open to any currently enrolled student or employee of the University of Missouri. All individual SAA members in good standing shall also be eligible for membership in SAAMUSC. Alumni of any SISLT program are welcome to attend our events and meetings.

Enroll in SISLT! #MIZ
Join SAA as a student or individual member!
Contact current officers (Secretary) to join SAAMUSC

Below we provide links to further information:

  • program: Library and Information Science program, School of Information Science & Learning Technologies, in the College of Education at the University of Missouri
  • apply: Master’s degree in Library and Information Science OR
  • apply: Ph.D. in Information Science and Learning Technologies
  • enroll: view courses and enroll at myZou

In addition to an Archival Studies emphasis (of three courses) within the LIS master’s program, students complete a Practicum.

SAA represents more than 6,200 professional archivists employed by governments, universities, businesses, libraries, and historical organizations nationally!

We look forward to meeting you!


Professional Development

SISLT offers Conference Travel Support for master’s and doctoral students to present at both local and national conferences.

The School of Information Science & Learning Technologies is a member of the iSchools organization.

The SAA Career Center hosts job postings and career learning resources, and for more see ArchivesGig. Missouri is home to the NARA Kansas City branch, the NPRC in St. Louis, and the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library.

SAA’s 45 Sections invite you to contribute to professional initiatives. In particular the Students and New Archives Professionals [SNAP] Section hosts several resources including Student Chapter meetups at the Annual Meetings.

We aim to collaborate closely with the Missouri Association for Museums & Archives [MAMA], which hosts an Annual Meeting in October.

SAA’s Regional Archival Associations Consortium [RAAC] facilitates information exchange between archives organizations across America. Students may also find the Midwest Archives Conference [MAC], Kansas City Area Archivists [KCAA], and Association of St. Louis Area Archivists [ASLAA] helpful.

See more topical resources compiled by peers at the Rutgers student organization.



SISLT graduate courses in the Archival Studies emphasis adhere to the SAA Guidelines for a Graduate Program in Archival Studies [GPAS].

The Library and Information Science program at Mizzou celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2016-17. We launched our celebration at the SISLT Reception, MLA 2016.

Archival institutions on Mizzou’s campus include the University Archives, the State Historical Society of Missouri in Columbia, and the UM System Records Management Office, among others!

Archives Change Lives! Check out the video which premiered at ARCHIVES 2015 opening plenary in Cleveland:

Contact us anytime! ~ Thank you ~